It's a short show due to an impending Bonnaroo music festival, but Matt manages to maximize the time by making a big decision.
Real Follow Up
- Two more data points for the BBL study from Mr. Pieces.
- He suggests...An Experiment!
- This Week In Standing Desks, we made a mistake last week...Mr. Pieces' desk is not electric
- Matt not allowed to use the phrase “happy trail” again.
Fake Follow Up
- Matt confused by Mac OS X Mavericks...Jody patiently explains he can now look forward to kernel panics with “Yosemite”
- Yosemite-related image courtesy of our climbing guru, Alpine:
- Yosemite-related image courtesy of our climbing guru, Alpine:
- Jody unlocks another bourgeois achievement...personal chef!
- Jody’s taking elevator pitches for Android app ideas
- Matt opens the kimono to let the listeners in on his idea for a movement/music mash-up app
- Some of our podcasting idols are "borrowing" topics from ALYT
- Back to Work did a topic lightning round
- Roderick On The Line brings up the file-drawer effect
- Jody and Matt fail at remaining humble
- Weekend sailing adventure (sea stories)
- Matt and the Ten Gallon Hat Man hit a bridge, etc.
- Bonnaroo is this weekend
Topic: Matt's urgent work decision
- Loyalty and stasis (inertia) vs. Change and a potentially better schedule
- Jody has one bit of awkward advice
- Matt immediately makes up his mind
- Jody laments lack of a cliff-hanger for episode 42