Yes, it's been a few weeks, so the boys have some catching up to do. We get a baby update, some literary recommendations, and some insight into how Matt will be spending his time and money this summer.
Follow Up
- Title suggestions for Matt's blog pouring in
- Blog will also review food trucks encountered in Matt's wanderings (he's invented a separate evaluation scheme just for the trucks)
- Matt's notebook went down to Miami Memorial Day weekend to try 4 restaurants
- Whichever name Matt chooses, he's going to use this affiliate link to to support his own show
- Recent comments on open science and reproducibility
- On The Media interview with Ben Goldacre was good. Best pull-quote: “This issue has been protected by a force-field of its own tediousness.”
- A MUST READ for sci-enthusiasts and skeptics everywhere:
- Good article on “p-Hacking” and other problems with the way scientists use statistics:
- Matt's takeaway from both items above: There are systemic problems that are clouding our thinking and restricting the advancement of science (especially in areas where the data are noisiest; e.g. the Health Sciences and pop-psych), but thought-leaders across disciplines are waking up to this fact. Awareness in growing, and Bayes will have his day soon.
- Pint of Science was good for Matt, Jody, and respective partners
- Matt saw: Nuclear Medicine, epigenetics, immunotherapy for cancer, Haptics/design
- Jody attended bacterial resistance, archeological 3D imaging, and waste water recycling
Fake Follow Up
- Podcasts are now on Spotify
- Jody wants to use this as a jump-off for some Solutioneering to re-invent podcasting, but he’s going to restrain himself since it’s not that kind of episode
- More podcasting news...Merlin and Siracusa now have a podcast together
- Jody is excited; 1st episode in his queue now
- Reconcilable Differences
- Testing, the AP Exam and John Oliver
- Matt learned something new about Audacity (also related to testing)
- Turns out, software used to produce this show can also rescue AP exams
- Matt researches his next phone/carrier
- Google Project Fi vs Cricket or StraightTalk. Pros & Cons, etc.
- Jody recommends Ting (at least they advertise loyally on other podcasts)
- Matt’s Partner made a Square Space site for her business!
- It’s been fun watching her figure stuff out for herself, and become her own web designer
- See it at
The Goodtimes group is gearing up for another Red Bull Soapbox event.
- Ideas so far: Lebowski theme (various vehicles), Indiana Jones (Motorcycle & sidecar), slinky (possibly with articulated center and double-ended steering)
- Ideas so far: Lebowski theme (various vehicles), Indiana Jones (Motorcycle & sidecar), slinky (possibly with articulated center and double-ended steering)
Summer Matt and Summer lists:
- Watch all the sports (TDF, WWC, Wimbleton, etc.)
- Learn some R (the open-source statistical programming language)
- Jody can help with this one:
- The R Podcast, now defunct and with some rough audio, but it's worthwhile
- RStudio, cross platform development environment for R
- Hadley Wickam and his fantastic R packages
- Jody can help with this one:
- Shed project 2.0
- Office project 2.0
- Refinish floors
- Ship the Foodie Blog
- Run 25 Times (80 miles)
- Help my Dad with his move/new house
- Sailing Adventures
TOPIC: ???
We can't be bothered with a real topic when there's all this follow up.