At Least You're Trying

The Good Times Radio Network presents the At Least You're Trying podcast.

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Episode 59 - Fewer Hazy Mornings


It's time to put 2015 to bed. In this year-end wrap up, the boys talk cryptography, space, restaurants, and internet open signs. Then they go on to give themselves grades in four subjects for 2015, and discuss how 2016 could be different.

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Follow Up (Real):

  • Matt keeps thinking of more and more applications for the "Internet Open Sign" switch...but he's forgotten them all
  • Jody talks with Ten Gallon Hat Man after episode-58, and decides to give Google Keep a try (it hasn't gone well).

Follow Up (Fake):


  • Space! SpaceX just did a wildly impressive thing. Where does it fit in the history of space related achievement? Mr. Pieces believes it's more significant than the moon landing.
    • Matt and Jody are sending this topic into the future where they can hopefully handle it properly ORBCOMM-2
  • Year in review: we give ourselves grades in various "subjects" of life. Eg: fitness, $-management, jobby-job performance, percolating creative tasks, husbandry, home maintenance, etc.
    • Jobby-Job
      • Matt = B-
      • Jody = B-
    • Home Maintenance
      • Matt = C-
      • Jody = C-
    • Health and Fitness
      • Matt = D (but he already did run #1 of 100 for 2016, so there's that)
      • Jody = C+
    • Husbandry and Parenting
      • Matt = C
      • Jody = B+