It's the first recording in a long time. Matt has tales of the magnet lab.
Did his hover-board project get off the ground?
- It's been a while since we've recorded an episode over Skype. We almost remember how...
- Matt's in a new school year
- The Christina Carther Old Seminole Heights Bicycle Pub Crawl is upon us again
- Thanks to Pat Of The Forthcoming Patcast for the awesome t-shirt design:
- Thanks to Pat Of The Forthcoming Patcast for the awesome t-shirt design:
Matt's magnet lab experience
- Matt worked on a "hover-board"...of sorts
- Matt regaled Jody with a photo essay of interesting whiteboards and chalkboards
- Jody retaliated with choice page from his newly rediscovered Quantum Mechanics Notebook
- Not mentioned in the show, but Jody delights in this 3d magnets video (the really good stuff starts about 3min into the 10min video)
- Hendo hover board
- Halbach array
- Matt's guide rail pics?
- Matt mentions the free-to-use CAD software from AutoDesk, Fusion 360
- As if by magic, Jody finds that there are Fusion 360 classes at the Tampa Hackerspace
trailing off...
- baby update from Jody
- A&B are talking...more A than B
- Here's a brief and terrible glimpse into Jody's life as a parent of twins...yes that's Baby-B biting Baby-A while Jody tries to wrangle them into place for a decent baby photo
- Recent SpaceX test-fire explosion